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    6. 季節優惠套組 - 享 85 折優惠

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    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

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    2. 夾克指南

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Introducing the Yomp Rally

Introducing the Yomp Rally

The concept is simple: complete the course in five days or fewer at your own pace, on your own or with your friends. Rapha provides the route, a celebratory send off, one checkpoint, a bag transfer and a warm welcome when you arrive in Los Angeles. The rest is up to you.

May 5-9, 2023.

375 Miles, Santa Barbara to Los Angeles

The Yomp Rally is an ultra-endurance ride without the red tape. The Rally embodies what we love most about adventure riding: a DIY spirit, a love of the outdoors, and a willingness to ride into the unknown.

The concept is simple: complete the course in five days or fewer at your own pace, on your own or with your friends. Rapha provides the route, a celebratory send off, one checkpoint, a bag transfer and a warm welcome when you arrive in Los Angeles. The rest is up to you.

What to expect

375 miles of self-supported, incredible mixed terrain riding throughout Southern California. It's a rally, not a race; an ultra distance event without the red tape. The format is simple, with only a few rules — ride the established course within five days, treat the land and its inhabitants with care and respect, take care of yourself and other riders, and leave no trace. While we'll provide very little support, it's not technically "self-supported." We encourage riders to help each other out, share a bag of chips or Swedish fish, accept the magic of kindness from a local, ride with your friends, and generally do what you want to ensure you have the most enjoyable experience possible. The way you take on the ride is up to you. Ride solo through the night, with a group of friends or somewhere in between. To finish on time you must average at least 75 miles + 8,000ft of climbing per day.

