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    6. 季節優惠套組 - 享 85 折優惠

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    4. 連帽衫,T 恤 & 上衣

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    2. 公路騎乘

    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. 長袖連身車褲指南

    2. 夾克指南

    3. 車衣指南

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    3. Faster Goes The Future·未來加速進行

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Chapter 2: Chase the Storm

Kasper Asgreen finds focus in foul weather, preparing for the season in the harsh environment of his homeland, Denmark. Training in the new Pro Team GORE-TEX Lightweight Rain Jacket. Bringing his best in the worst conditions.

EF Pro Cycling’s classics contender and former Flanders winner has his own individual approach to conditioning. Whilst others choose to live and train further south, Asgreen steels himself for battle in the arctic wind and rain of Scandinavia.

The racing season is long and chaotic. So I’m not wasting any time.

Kasper Asgreen

PRO TEAM GORE-TEX Lightweight Rain Jacket

It’s the real world, not just the cycling world.

Kasper Asgreen

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