1. 2025er-Outfit von EF Pro Cycling

    2. Neuheiten

    3. In Kürze erhältlich

    4. Stell dein Outfit zusammen – Spare 15 %

    5. Guide Für Wintertouren

    6. Radfahren bei Regenwetter

    7. Bücher

    1. Trikots

    2. Trägerhosen, Shorts & lange Radhosen

    3. Jacken & Westen

    4. T-Shirts & Tops

    5. Kapuzenpullover & Sweatshirts

    6. Shorts & Hosen

    7. Baselayer

    8. Schuhe, Socken & Überschuhe

    9. Brillen

    10. Mützen, Handschuhe & Zubehör

    11. Archive Sale

    1. Rennen & Training – Pro Team

    2. Straße

    3. Gravel Riding

    4. Mountainbiking

    5. Abenteuertouren

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. Guide für lange Radhosen

    2. Jacken-Guide

    3. Trikot-Guide

    4. Radfahren im Winter

    5. Radfahren bei Regenwetter

    1. 2025er-Outfit von EF Pro Cycling

    2. Neuheiten

    3. In Kürze erhältlich

    4. Stell dein Outfit zusammen – Spare 15 %

    5. Guide Für Wintertouren

    6. Radfahren bei Regenwetter

    7. Bücher

    1. Trikots

    2. Trägerhosen, Shorts & lange Radhosen

    3. Jacken & Westen

    4. Kapuzenpullis, T-Shirts & Tops

    5. Shorts, Hosen & Leggings

    6. Baselayer

    7. Schuhe, Socken & Überschuhe

    8. Brillen

    9. Mützen, Handschuhe & Zubehör

    10. Archive Sale

    1. Rennen & Training – Pro Team

    2. Straße

    3. Gravel Riding

    4. Mountain Biking

    5. Abenteuertouren

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. Guide für lange Radhosen

    2. Jacken-Guide

    3. Trikot-Guide

    4. Cycling in Winter

    5. Radfahren bei Regenwetter

    1. Neueste Storys

    2. Produkt-Guides

    3. Über Rapha

    4. Athleten & Teams

    5. Rapha Foundation

    6. Auswirkungen auf Mensch & Umwelt

    1. Was ist der RCC?

    2. Jetzt beitreten

    3. Entdecke die Vorteile

    4. Hol dir die App

    5. Club-Outfit

    6. Ein Rad leihen

    1. Berlin

    2. London

    3. Munich

    4. Amsterdam

    5. Kopenhagen

    6. Manchester

    7. Alle Clubhouses sehen

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Monday - Friday11am - 7pm

Saturday - Sunday10am - 6pm

Monday - Friday11am - 5pm

Saturday - Sunday10am - 5pm

56 Sai Street, Sheung Wan


Organised group rides roll out from Rapha Clubhouses every week. Whether you’re a local rider or just passing through, enjoy a social spin with us.


Enjoy a wide range of Clubhouse events from live racing to exclusive exhibitions, panel discussions and workshops.

Alle Events anschauen


Immerse yourself in the rich history of the sport in our Clubhouse cafés, where we serve fine coffee, snacks and light meals.

Lerne das Café kennen
In Google Maps öffnen

Rapha Hong Kong Clubhouse stands on Sai Street in the core central area of the beautiful island. It is ideally located for either a real test of stamina on the Circle of Death, which takes in every major climb on the island, or a relaxed morning ride up to the Victoria Peak. Drop by to join one of our regular rides, live race viewing, browse the latest Rapha collection, and take part in exclusive events and exhibitions.

Hong Kong

The flag of Hong Kong displays a five-petal orchid tree flower, the bauhinia on a red background. The flower was discovered in Hong Kong and is a symbol of harmony between the region and China, which is why each petal features one of the five stars of the Chinese flag. You will find the flower on coins, the coat of arms, and many other objects related to the autonomous territory. The bauhinia has been adopted by the Hong Kong chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club (RCC) as its emblem.

Rapha Cycling Club


Home to the Hong Kong chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club

Entdecke den RCC
Hong Kong