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    5. 冬季騎乘指南

    6. 在陰雨天騎車

    7. Rapha 書軒

    1. 車衣

    2. 連身車褲,平口車褲 & 長袖連身車褲

    3. 夾克 & 背心

    4. T恤 & 上身衣著

    5. 連帽衫 & 運動衫

    6. 休閒短褲 & 長褲

    7. 底衫

    8. 鞋款, 車襪 & 鞋套

    9. 太陽眼鏡

    10. 帽子,手套 & 配件

    11. 檔期折扣

    1. 競賽 & 訓練 - Pro Team

    2. 公路騎乘

    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. 長袖連身車褲指南

    2. 夾克指南

    3. 車衣指南

    4. 在冬季騎車

    5. 在陰雨天騎車

    1. EF Pro Cycling 2025 年車隊服飾

    2. 最新商品

    3. 即將推出

    4. 打造您一身的裝扮 - 享 85 折優惠

    5. 冬季騎乘指南

    6. 在陰雨天騎車

    7. Rapha 書軒

    1. 車衣

    2. 連身車褲,平口車褲 & 長袖連身車褲

    3. 夾克 & 背心

    4. 連帽衫,T 恤 & 上衣

    5. 短褲,休閒長褲 & 內搭緊身褲

    6. 底衫

    7. 鞋款, 車襪 & 鞋套

    8. 風鏡

    9. 帽子,手套 & 配件

    10. 檔期折扣

    1. 競賽 & 訓練 - Pro Team

    2. 公路騎乘

    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. 長袖連身車褲指南

    2. 夾克指南

    3. 車衣指南

    4. Cycling in Winter

    5. 在陰雨天騎車

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    3. Rapha簡介

    4. 查看完整運動員&車隊

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    5. RCC車服裝備

    6. 租借公路車

    1. Taipei(台北)

    2. Tokyo(東京)

    3. Hong Kong(香港)

    4. Seoul(首爾)

    5. Sydney(雪梨)

    6. Melbourne(墨爾本)

    7. 查看所有 Clubhouse



Monday - Saturday10am - 6pm

Sunday10am - 5pm


Tuesday - Saturday10am - 6pm

Sunday10am - 5pm

301 E Pine St, Seattle, WA 98122


Organised group rides roll out from Rapha Clubhouses every week. Whether you’re a local rider or just passing through, enjoy a social spin with us.

See all rides


Enjoy a wide range of Clubhouse events from live racing to exclusive exhibitions, panel discussions and workshops.



Immerse yourself in the rich history of the sport in our Clubhouse cafés, where we serve fine coffee, snacks and light meals.

查看 café 咖啡座
在 Google 地圖裡打開

Seattle is a paradise of geographic, cultural, and culinary variety. Located at 301 E. Pine St, Rapha Seattle offers the full selection of Rapha products – including rain jackets to help cope with the traditionally wet weather – and serves the finest food and espresso.

Seattleites enjoy excellent riding in every direction – the west holds the Olympic Mountains the north holds the San Juan Islands, the east is home to the Cascade range, and south of the city is the majestic Mt. Rainer. Closer to home are the network of roads, bike paths, and trails that cross the city and the Puget Sound, connecting a diverse selection of cafés, watering holes, and restaurants. This is where cyclists head from the Clubhouse, which runs both outings for customers new to cycling and also regular RCC rides for members. Seattle is one of the few places on earth where a bike ride can start at the water’s edge and travel to a mountain pass, making it a top destination for discerning cyclists.


The bald eagle has for centuries been a familiar sight in the skies around Puget Sound. The bird has become embedded in the region's folklore and is often used as a totemic symbol of freedom and liberation which to this day resonates through the cultural roots of Seattle, the city built on the Sound. Cyclists could spend a lifetime exploring the forests just outside the city, or head to nearby Mercer Island for faster-paced riding. The eagle, and what it represents, is a fitting emblem for the Seattle chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club (RCC) and its Clubhouse, Rapha Seattle, in a pursuit as liberating as cycling.

Rapha Cycling Club


Home to the Seattle chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club

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