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    1. 車衣

    2. 連身車褲,平口車褲 & 長袖連身車褲

    3. 夾克 & 背心

    4. T恤 & 上身衣著

    5. 連帽衫 & 運動衫

    6. 休閒短褲 & 長褲

    7. 底衫

    8. 鞋款, 車襪 & 鞋套

    9. 太陽眼鏡

    10. 帽子,手套 & 配件

    11. 檔期折扣

    1. 競賽 & 訓練 - Pro Team

    2. 公路騎乘

    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. 長袖連身車褲指南

    2. 夾克指南

    3. 車衣指南

    4. 在冬季騎車

    5. 在陰雨天騎車

    1. EF Pro Cycling 2025 年車隊服飾

    2. 最新商品

    3. 即將推出

    4. 打造您一身的裝扮 - 享 85 折優惠

    5. 冬季騎乘指南

    6. 在陰雨天騎車

    7. Rapha 書軒

    1. 車衣

    2. 連身車褲,平口車褲 & 長袖連身車褲

    3. 夾克 & 背心

    4. 連帽衫,T 恤 & 上衣

    5. 短褲,休閒長褲 & 內搭緊身褲

    6. 底衫

    7. 鞋款, 車襪 & 鞋套

    8. 風鏡

    9. 帽子,手套 & 配件

    10. 檔期折扣

    1. 競賽 & 訓練 - Pro Team

    2. 公路騎乘

    3. 碎石路騎乘

    4. 登山車騎乘

    5. 探險騎乘

    6. Performance Sportswear

    1. 長袖連身車褲指南

    2. 夾克指南

    3. 車衣指南

    4. Cycling in Winter

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San Francisco

San Francisco

Monday - Friday10am - 6pm

Saturday - Sunday9am - 5pm

Monday - Friday10am - 3pm

Saturday - Sunday9am- 3pm

2198 Filbert St, San Francisco, CA 94123


Organised group rides roll out from Rapha Clubhouses every week. Whether you’re a local rider or just passing through, enjoy a social spin with us.

See all rides


Enjoy a wide range of Clubhouse events from live racing to exclusive exhibitions, panel discussions and workshops.



Immerse yourself in the rich history of the sport in our Clubhouse cafés, where we serve fine coffee, snacks and light meals.

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在 Google 地圖裡打開

Rapha San Francisco is a short spin from the Golden Gate Bridge, which transports riders from one of the country’s liveliest cities to the Marin Headlands, with its treasure trove of long climbs, stunning views, and sweeping descents. If you ever tire of exploring Marin – which, although unlikely, happens to some – then try the protected forests of the South Bay, or the hills of Berkeley and Oakland.

Rapha San Francisco is the perfect base from which to begin any of these adventures, with its fine coffee, selection of pastries and ride food, and full selection of Rapha clothing and accessories.

The Clubhouse is also the home of the San Francisco chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club (RCC), which holds regular rides from the Clubhouse with a full programme of events scheduled through the year. Non members and those new to cycling are also catered for, with organised rides taking place.

San Francisco

According to legend, much of downtown San Francisco is built on the wrecked hulls of sunken ships that sailed here during the gold rush. The ‘city by the bay’ has many ties to the ocean, not least the Golden Gate Bridge that stands watch over the inlet that leads to the pacific. Just a stone’s throw from the marina district, the San Francisco chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club (RCC) and its Clubhouse, Rapha San Francisco reside under the symbol of an anchor.

Rapha Cycling Club


Home to the San Francisco chapter of the Rapha Cycling Club

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San Francisco